Based on 0 battles analyzed during GAC Season 9. Based on 12,719 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. ago. SWGOH Droideka Counters Based on 1 battles analyzed during GAC Season 38. 2 B2 - potency like crazy G12. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. 100% this. 0. Based on 238 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. Was satisfying to one tap a GK as well. Leaders are filtered separately. Based on 7,422 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. 5% crit damage, 179. Most of what I'd use to counter him rely on stuns/tm removal/ability block. Based on 0 battles analyzed during GAC Season 27. If the droid has damage immunity, its. 5 1. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. 79% tenacity. This Droideka mod set is used by 42% of the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. GG droideka has very very few non gl counters. And he still has offense and potency mods so he's not even optimized for the omicron. Leaders are filtered separately. Reply More posts you may like. 0. Seen. I just tried that and it didn't work. Old omicron – Droideka gains 10 percent turn meter and 1 stack of charge for 1 turn when an enemy takes a turn. Chief Nebit (L), Jawa Scavenger, Jawa Engineer, Datcha, Jawa. At the start of the encounter, revive all Resistance allies with 100% Health, recover 100% Protection, and gain Protection Up (100%) for 2 turns, which can't. I should’ve just soloed GG and I probably would’ve won. 2609 Omicrons. Additionally, Droideka recovers 10% Protection whenever it damages a Target Locked enemy. (also on Spotify and iTunes) (We took a one-week break for the holiday last week, but will have a new episode out in approximately 12 hours, FWIW. Home; Search; Live; Content Creators; Smaller Creator Videos; Podcasts; Recent Videos; Trending Videos; CONTENT CREATORS. Droidekas were equipped with a shield generator. Leaders are filtered separately. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. TOPICS: 0-0-0 BT-1 Canderous Ordo datacrons Doctor Aphra Droideka Eighth Brother Grand Inquisitor HK-47 Hondo Ohnaka IG-86 IG-88 Imperial Probe Droid Inquisitorius Mob Enforcer Ninth Sister Second Sister Seventh Sister. The ability to use a comp made up of non-Galactic Legends to defeat Rey, SLKR, JMLS or SEE is critical, especially for endgame players an in the upper and top-level guilds. I am 2-0 vs MM squads using my omicron Wampa at r3. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. 2 MagnaGuard - ALL HP. SWGOH Chief Chirpa Counters. Try removing the cutoff (sets sort to "Seen") Remove Cutoff. Posted By: ljcool110 December 21, 2022. 1. Kit Counters <<<ADD INFO>>>. I propably missplayed that a lot lmao that wasn't even a great JabbaYou need to add some speed on your other toons. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. 5 1. Kylo landed healing immunity and Executioner executed. – Droideka has an additional 50 percent speed and a 25 percent evasion unless it has damage immunity. Here is a link to our weekly Grand Arena-specific Podcast, just in case. In particular, they made use of twin repeating blaster cannons and personal deflector shield generators, which meant that when clones conducted mass attacks, they were scythed down by the. Enemies attacking out of turn deal 50% less damage. . BT-1 (3v3 only) Homicidal Counterpart. Datacrons; Data Disks; Galactic Challenges; Gear;. 1963 Omicrons. Omicron Bonus Territory Wars: Buffs Tenacity Up • Damage Immunity: Debuffs Target Lock: Other Status. I was targeting Phasma. View in. 74 % IG-100 MagnaGuard Speed: 181. The droid recovers 10 percent protection whenever it damages a target locked enemy. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. If I had focused down Executioner I probably would have been able to win. 239 speed, 205. The Droideka is an attacker that punishes fast enemies from behind its deflector shield. It’s a little short of top tier like Phasma’s omicron, but it definitely makes Droideka the premier choice for GG in TW. View in GAC Insight. Leaders are filtered separately. Al inicio del turno de Droideka, todos los aliados recuperan 10% de Salud y Protección. Try removing the cutoff (sets sort to "Seen")Gaming-fans. Echo's grenade is not always fatal. posts Member. Nest killed one of the pilots just from counters. If assajj or B1 go after droideka, they can trigger counter attacks, which in turn can trigger B2 who will jump to 100 tm, bypassing echo and can feed tm to your team to make some extra moves. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. SWGOH Geonosian Brood Alpha Counters Based on 4,285 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Leaders are filtered separately. The searchable database of Grand Arena counters, all individually curated by GAC experts. What are you using successfully?Below is a list of counters for Territory Wars and Grand Arena. G12. 2 Droideka - all damage, should go first. . Territory War and Grand Arena Counter List. GAC Counters; GAC Insight; GAC Ship Counters; GAC Who To Attack; GAC Leaderboard; GAC Meta; Database. This set provides a bonus of 10% Health and 15% Offense. I tried using a g11 Wampa against a relic2 droideka and lost. Wampa omicron vs Geos. In light of the news that swgoh. r. 74 % B2 Super Battle Droid Speed: 237. Viewing the 99th percentile of. Its nice to be able to solo MM. Here is a link to SoloBass15's most recent 3v3 video. 2738 Omicrons. ago. GAC Counters; GAC Ship Counters; GAC Who To Attack; GAC Leaderboard; GAC Meta; Database. Droideka has +50% Speed and +25% Evasion unless it has. With a r7 gg the team can counter JML and see somewhat consistently, can counter starkiller and cls, droideka omicron is dang great in tw and they are somewhat often part of some feats either for conquest or gc's. Heck, I could. AhnaldT101 ando90La primera vez que Droideka sea derrotado mientras esté Marcado y hay otro aliado activo, revive a todos los aliados al final del turno con un 100% de Salud. c1arl00. The reason I lost was because ROLO was on the MM team. Further the malevonce is still a pretty great fleet for which you don't even need to gear that many pilots, so I'd consider it still. G11. There are not a lot of results for this data slice. 3 C3PO - 4th turn, must be above 250 speed (his unique gives an extra 20, equaling 270. Welcome to the best Dangerous Prototypes datacrons, the latest in. March 15, 2023 3:51PM. The droid recently got an omicron update, which can significantly affect your gameplay. . I've never gotten a hold with that team before. You know in cases like these, going after gba might be not the best idea. SWGOH General Grievous Counters. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. _terror404 • 1 yr. I'm working to the keep a snapshot of this site up, so you may experience issues during the process. Shelled in bronzium armor, droidekas came equipped with numerous armaments, both defensive and offensive. gg since that's from GAC without DDK omicron so opening to the hive mind. G12 Ahsoka - slow, health and damage. Win %. How to counter GG droideka omi with JKRkeep droideka last killuse mark on GG only after kill B2JKR and GMY needs good dmgThis counter still works great!!Droideka is nuts on defense I recently got it with GG and I've gotten some wins on offense and defense even though all my GG tons are gear 11 not even full shards. Omicron Report; Zeta / Omega Report; GAC. 86 % General Grievous Speed: 171. 75 %. Below we explain the omicron. But that extra 100% tenacity would make those harder to pull off. R5 B1 - Offense offense offense and speed R1 Asajj - this helped to keep her alive G12. How to counter GG droideka omi with JKRkeep droideka last killuse mark on GG only after kill B2JKR and GMY needs good dmg*SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL*the statistical breakdown of the top GAC Droideka Counters on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes!! Toggle navigation Units Characters Ships Abilities Relic Player Data Relic. ) And, for those of you who see this as shameless self-promotion (I've. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. R7 Nest. While in Territory Battles and if there are no Galactic Legend allies: Resistance allies gain 60% Max Health and Max Protection. Start by selecting the format, selecting defense OR offense sorting and then entering. GAC S eason 38 -. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. What is everyone using as a decent counter to the GG team with Droideka Omi in. I beat DDK omi regularly with NS, poggle is much tougher to beat with Traya in TW. droideka stomped my team and just when I thought the Wampa's speed would prevail it was just like "No. Droideka gains 10% Turn Meter and 1 stack of Charge for 1 turn whenever an enemy takes a turn. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. Here are some counters that will destroy Geonosian teams: Darth Traya (L), Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, Sith Empire Trooper, Savage Opress. 0-0-0 (3v3 only) Specialized in Torture. com SWGoH, MSF, HPWU & TFEW News, Tips & Strategy3. 2. Some other popular mod sets used for Droideka are: Offense (4) and Crit Chance (2) - 20%. This definitely has potential. There are not a lot of results for this data slice. 0. 0. An non relic geo team without omi can be smashed by. To start, pre-fight checks are important, especially on specific team compositions. Datacrons; Data Disks; Galactic Challenges;. 5 1. Everyone focuses so hard on GBA in these matchups. GG with Droideka (Omicron) KGJ Recipro - 135,698 Power; 7 2. 5 1. The most popular Mod Set for Droideka is Health (2) and Offense (4) . I stream every day on Twitch, come hang out and ask questions about the video or anything else! out and come hang with me. Counters. gg is discontinuing their public API, I'm forced to discontinue support for swgohcounters. For defensive Darth Revan teams in the GAC and Territory Wars, for example, the pre-fight. Hard to figure out from SWGOH. Viewing the 99th percentile of occurances. SWGOH Droideka Counters. Datacrons;. . Going after poggle or soldier would be better to kill them and get them out of the shared health and prot pool, would make gba an easier kill after. com. GAC S eason 41 - 3v3. This list is put together by a group in the TW/GA counters Discord. Offense (4) - 11%. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. SWGOH Geonosian Brood Alpha Counters Based on 4,285 battles analyzed during GAC Season 41. hold my beer". Valoración: un muro de Grievous con Droideka Omicron es duro de roer. I managed to beat relic 7 Sith Eternal Emperor with my relic 3 Wampa. Hay que tener sumo cuidado. You can click units to filter squads by that unit. I tried my R5 Wampa against a MM team today in GAC and lost. SWGOH Droideka Counters. Omicron Report; Zeta / Omega Report; GAC. 75 % Droideka Speed: 153. More details can be found on my Discord or Patreon. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. Additionally, Droideka recovers 10% Protection whenever it damages a Target Locked enemy. COUNTER DROIDEKA OMICRON WITH THIS TEAM! - YouTube Join the discord to hang out and make suggestions for the channel:. Try removing the cutoff (sets sort to "Seen") Remove Cutoff. I assume people were trying weaker counters and failing. GAC Counters; GAC Insight; GAC Ship Counters; GAC Who To Attack; GAC Leaderboard; GAC Meta; Database. If he stuns magna or B2 but not droideka, you still have a chance. There are not a lot of results for this data slice. His omicron. B2, B1, Droideka, IG-100 Nute Gunray, Dooku, IG88, BB8, IPD, T3-M4, L3-37 GK + Zarris General Kenobi Barriss, Wampa, Fives, Sun FacAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. 5v5 Counters. The vast majority are from actual GAC matches and every video has been individually selected as a good representation of the match (either winning or losing). You can click units to filter squads by that unit. AllArsenal17 • 1 yr. Win %. Counters to Droideka TW Omi? Hi all, can’t find much out there about this yet. SWGOH Nute Gunray Counters. Hard Counter.