Women can post a picture of their date to the group and ask for any red flags about the person. About this group. 6. There. Add message. You put other women's safety at risk when you do this. This seems like a modern equivalent to dating someone local, friends of friends or cousins of a neighbour type thing, when you would have a rough idea of the person's character and personality before dating. Women are finally rising up against the pitfalls of dating app culture, and fighting back. No Slander or Defamation. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. A guy’s biggest fear when going on a first date is if the girl is fat. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. Post only what is true and post only his first name, age, and neighborhood. . Tired of reading about men in Tacoma and Marysville? This is a place for women to warn or vouch for men on dating apps in downtown Seattle. There. “Are We Dating The Same Guy? Philadelphia” touts 33,000-plus members and is just one of more than 100 iterations of the group established by original creator Paola Sanchez in New York City. National Domestic Violence Help: Hotline - 800-799-7233. About this group. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. It's about the worst thing women can do, and it seems like it's automatic. They want to hurt you, by chasing off all other women from your life. yes and she has "moderators" posting the same message in multiple groups asking for members to consider giving money to her so bizarre. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to make sure that. There. The group called 'Are We Dating the Same Guy' is a space where mainly women who date men seek and share opinions about the men they are dating or have dated, largely in an effort to be warned or. Just checked the NYC group that is the SHADIEST message I have ever seen. The New York City page description reads: “This group is a place for women to protect and. Dana S. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. There. There. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to make sure that. . Warn each other about a man. Their primary function was to alert women about men on dating apps that are rapists, physical and emotional abusers, and cheaters. It a hard enough experience to filter through. . I proceed to get a call from Lady A asking me of I am dating anyone else, because one of her friends saw me on this Facebook group. About this group. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is not about hating men. There. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. . This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Este pe aici un spion care sa ma infiltreze in acest grup secret? Credeam ca e pe fb. Just look on Tinder, y’all are probably dating the same guy (s) lol. This is your platform to ask or let you fellow women know what’s up ️. There. 41 96 96 comments Best Add a. . Liesel Julsrud and Sophia Marren found out they were dating the same guy through TikTok. The Facebook group used the same community guidelines nearly. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. About this group. We were not "exclusive" but we were hanging out regularly. Share this article. Only if the red flags or tea are genuinely shitty or dangerous. If you screenshot and share with a man or non-member, we will out you in the group for it, and block you. It was probably too soon as I did need more time. . This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. 6. There. . There. The Facebook group ‘Are We Dating The Same Guy?’ functions as a way to crowd-source men’s reputations and warn women when those men might be harmful or even dangerous. There. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Is it really that guys fault that he doesn’t have the energy to give them all the attention they desire or get into relationships. Posts will not be accepted here at this time. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. UNCENSORED - Seattle Tacoma | Facebook Log In Are We Dating the Same Guy? UNCENSORED - Seattle Tacoma Private group · 71 members Join group About. . This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. . There are a few big ones the one she. . 16. . They shared details of their relationships online after finding out about their joint predicament. God those cold holiday months were something. . There is a new website that went live that’s a men’s version of “are we dating the same guy. 4. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! Women only, 18+. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. . . . This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. There. No gaslighting, shaming, victim blaming, or aggressive behavior will be tolerated. Emely Ortiz, left, and Faith Bistline took a vacation together in Costa Rica after figuring out they were dating the same man. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Women only, 18+. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to make sure that. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! Women only, 18+. God forbid a guy does something to address the fact that women flake constantly and setting up a single date at a time is an ideal way to rarely even end up on a date since it will get canceled two thirds of the time. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. . We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to. We understand that you may not agree with a person's opinion, life choices, preferences, etc. It is also a safe space for relationship support and advice in general. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. So much negativity and hopeless feelings of ever meeting someone nice. The group, which is specifically designed as a safe space for women who mostly date men, was set up to keep others informed about who they’re working with. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! Women only, 18+. The groups in specific are those with the name of “Are we Dating the Same Guy”, which can also have a specific city linked to them. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. I love stumbling upon a whisper network of women–it’s truly one of my favorite female behaviors (and it’s also why we’re building Diem). This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. 4. . This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. I’m in one of the largest of these groups and many posts is outing men as being married and on apps, lying, cheating, stalking behavior. “And if you’re not, don’t force the issue; don’t think you can change someone, you can’t. There. . In order to join a group, you have to be approved. We don’t have any room for that here. There. Be Civil, Respectful, Inclusive, and Calm. . Be Civil, Respectful, Inclusive, and Calm. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! Women only, 18+. On the tail end of that, I was contacted by a woman I had gone out with for a short while last year ( Lady B ). . IndependentAlarmed42 • 2 mo. The only person who could know that with certainty is the woman dating him. There. 4. . We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to. There. -It can be used as a place where girls can warn other girls about toxic men. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. In comentarii scrie ca este secret. Please only share truths about the guys, not second hand experiences or rumors. -It can be. Soon, women all over the country were posting in their local “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” groups—describing men they’d matched with on dating apps, or asking for intel on others. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Formal-Road-3632 • 4 mo. While we’re on the phone, Flossie gasps. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Some posts include the name, while others also include their age and the area they live in. There are popular Facebook groups called “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” that are helping women know if he's a good guy or find out if your partner is cheating. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to make sure that. This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! Women only, 18+. Fries before guys. 1 The group also allowed women to warn each other about men. Soon, women all over the country were posting in their local “Are We Dating the Same Guy?” groups—describing men they’d matched with on dating apps, or. . Just tell us about Chad who gave you an STD and gaslighted the fuck out of you for the situation. There. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. There are a lot more risks in dating as a woman and I’ve seen these groups expose abusers, rapists, guys with whole ass criminal records, absolutely horrible pieces of shit, etc. . . We want everyone to feel comfortable while sharing because you never know when it might really help someone. Are We Dating The Same Girl? Unveiling Shared. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of toxic or dangerous behavior. Meanwhile, it would seem that hanging out is just a euphemism for hooking up. About this group. . This group is a place for women to protect and empower one another, without being censored into silence! We can warn each other about dangers, inquire about partners, and check to make sure that. Not judgement. 23. There. There. There. If you can't word that disagreement in a civil and respectful way, don't say anything at all. The name sounds hilarious, but the sad truth. Nik/Unsplash. This group is a place for women to protect and empower other women while warning each other of men who might be liars, cheaters, abusers, or exhibit any type of. " The New York. 8. . Use this group to: 1. It's About Protecting Women, Not Hating Men.